Author Archives: Joe


Aracely was 11 when she married her husband, who was 34. Now 15, she is raising her son on her own. “I thought I’d have a better life. But at the end, it didn’t turn out that way”. — Aracely, 15   Guatemala, the legal age of marriage is 14 with parental consent, but in Petén, in the northern part of the country, the law seems …

300th Day of Captivity: Nobel peace laureate urges Nigerian schoolgirls release

A Nobel peace laureate has urged a global effort to secure the release of over 200 Nigerian schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram Takfiri militant group. “As we mark this tragic 300th day of captivity for hundreds of kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls, I call on people everywhere to join me in demanding urgent action to free these heroic girls … Nigerian …

Florida mom sets record with 14 pound baby boy

Baby got back! Maxxandra Ford of Tampa, Fl. set a record on Jan. 29 by giving birth to a healthy baby boy weighing 14 pounds and one ounce. That makes her son the largest baby born at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa Bay, and one of the largest ever born in the state’s history. Ford, who has a 1-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter already, claims …

Father refuses to give up baby with Down syndrome

When he discovered his newborn son had Down syndrome, a New Zealand man living in Armenia was horrified not by the condition, but by the assumption that he wouldn’t want to keep little Leo. When the boy was born, “the doctor came out, he said, ‘There’s a real problem with your son,'” Samuel Forrest tells ABC. “They …

Fight Against Boko Haram Turns Children Into ‘Soldiers’, Spies

By Philip Obaji Jr.   More than five years of fighting in north eastern Nigeria has produced a replay of Africa’s catastrophic history. Nearly 10,000 have died and over one million people have been displaced. Many schools have been closed, abduction of girls is on the rise and another ghost of wars past is reappearing: the recruitment of child …


The Bauchi S​tate police command has arrested a 45-year-old man for allegedly raping his11-year-old daughter. The state Police Commissioner, Lawal Shehu, while parading the suspect alongside others at the police headquarters in Bauchi on Thursday, expressed worry over the increasing rate of rape cases in the state. He vowed that all suspected rapists …