Author Archives: Joe

Tips to keep your children safe as the new school year kicks off

As the new school year kicks off, it brings with it much preparation, new uniforms, stationary and sports gear,etc. It is important you take time to prepare your child on how to stay safe when heading to and from school? It’s important to share safety tips with your children and to encourage them to use them every day. Here are a few tips worth sharing …

Pope tells women to feel free to breastfeed in the church

Pope Francis encouraged women attending a ceremony in the Sistine Chapel on Sunday to feel free to breastfeed their children in the church. “The ceremony is a little long, someone’s crying because he’s hungry. That’s the way it is,” the pontiff said. “You mothers, go ahead and breastfeed, without fear. Just like the …

Dirty kids are healthy kids

Science has said that keeping kids clean all the time is not the best for them. Kids must be allowed to get dirty. Parents and teachers need to stop slathering their kids with hand sanitizers because it actually does more harm than good, killing off the good along with the bad. The microbes found in dirt and dirty things play a crucial role in training …