Yesterday, CRACO received 49 (year 9) students from Chrisland High School who came to participate in community service activity. The essence of the community service is to raise a different generation of humans who care for one another; who are selfless and considerate of others. The kind of upbringing of children of yesterday (who are today’s adults) is the cause of the suffering, poverty and rot in the society today. If we want tomorrow to be better, then we must start giving the right education to today’s children who are going to be the leaders of tomorrow.
The children were taught how to make positive impact in the lives of others. That every human, no matter how small, has something to offer to better the lives of others. They were taught that even a simple smile given to a fellow child who is depressed can go a long way in relieving his depression and preventing possible contemplation of suicide. They were taught that they can also give their voices by speaking out for fellow children who are passing through abuse and exploitation within their environment by reporting such to organisations like CRACO. These are all what community service entails. We were satisfied with what the students told us they were taking home. It showed that they learnt something beneficial.